Saturday, June 11, 2011

The unexplored...

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost.

I returned to Eagle View trail in Swan View yesterday, Not long ago a bush fire had devastated the area, The damage and scorn ground linger as a sad reminder of the fires power. It was hard to see the normally lush and overgrown hills charred and bare, so a little into my run I changed my plan. Now that the overgrowth is gone, you can see there is a myriad of unexplored trails, some so faint that only a kangaroo could have blazed them. My curiosity got the better of me and I followed one, it lead me to a large rock outcrop, which I climbed, than bush wacked, then emerged again on another unnamed trail. I wasn’t running now, I was exploring!
I climbed a large hill, sucking down water from my pack, and wiping sweat from my eyes. Above me a hawk was chasing a flock of black cockatoos; something BIG made an unnatural noise just a few feet away, I paused. It was a huge kangaroo, he starred at me for a long time and I gestured with open hands “that I meant him no harm” but he turned unafraid and nonchalantly hopped away. Still making my way up the hill, I promised myself a view of where I’d just come from, only once I’ve reached the summit. And upon finally getting to the top turned to drink in the view, spectacular.
I eventually ended up on the south/east side of the E.V.T. Previously unrunable as the overgrowth weaved an impenetrable blockade of prickle bushes, and while the prickle bushes remain the trail is much better now due to recent upgrades to this section of the trail. It still remains largely unused as several golden orb spider webs would later confirm. I’d be running along then feel a hardy tug on my chest as if I’d tried to run through fishing line. On examining my shirt I’d find a very large spider, and the remains of his web, filled with a weeks taking of insects, wrapped in the orbs silk cone.
Time past easily and I returned to my car, exhausted and happy. Trail running is awesome...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Aaron. The spider web would have grossed me out, but the spider would have sent me over the edge.
