Saturday, May 12, 2012


Out at Serpentine this morning to look at some serious hills, Coming off a very successful hills run on Wednesday I was feeling confident that I’d be able to cruise up the hills at Serps…halfway up the first hill however any ideas that this were going to be easy were evaporating fast. It's pretty demoralizing to give in and walk a hill, the time it takes to cover distance when walking only added to my disappointment. I finally reached the summit and struggled to suck in air. My legs felt very fresh but my lungs were screaming. I felt like giving up. I stuck with it and fell into a more sustainable rhythm, eventually I recovered enough to keep up.
Luckily what goes up must go down, on the descent I hammered my way down the rocky trail and finally started to feel good, it just goes to show you that you can feel like crap one minute and be cruising the next!
On the “Three Steps” I took a much more sensible approach and hiked it, letting my lungs rest but still giving my legs a work out. Running at this stage is all about compromises and listening to my body. I’m still nowhere near 100% and I often forget this when I get overzealous on a big hill.

Finishing the run I have a mixed bag of feelings, I’m disappointed at not being able to float up hills like I want to, but still stoked to be out there…even if I’m bringing up the rear.


  1. We're stoked you're out there, too. Thanks for coming back! You'll feel totally different with two months of hills notched into your belt.

  2. Serpentine is a tough way to get back into it. Outstanding!
